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Our Curriculum has H.E.A.R.T.

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The Power of Dog-Assisted Learning in Schools

The most important thing in our world is the children, who, often have been let down in the past. So, we offer only compassionate mentors to run our programs. Their dogs are the key to how we access young people, but the quality of these group programs comes from the curriculum and the expertise of the entire team.

Our programs focus on tailored activities to enhance specific skills and address identified needs. For example:

  1. Emotional Literacry Enhancement: Participants will engage in activities such as "Watch and name" with the therapy dogs, where they can attempt to observe the dog and list words as a group to suggest how the dog may be feeling. Additionally, interactive storytelling sessions about the dog's emotions and emotional literacy-based games will be incorporated to make learning engaging aand enjoyable.
  2. Social/Emotional Skills Development: Activities will include structured interactions between participants and therapy dogs, promoting empathy, communication, and emotional regulation. Group discussions facilitated by mentors will encourage reflection on personal experiences and feelings, fostering a sense of belonging.
  3. Motivation to Attend School: Activities in the programs are designed to incorporate incentives such as rewards and recognition for attendance and participation. These rewards are often based around games, tricks, and dog training, fostering an interactive and hands-on learning experience that is designed to create excitement and anticipation among participants and make school a positive and memorable environment.
  4. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: Participants will be encouraged to set and achieve personal goals in relation to obstacles, agility or obedience maneuvers with the therapy dog, with mentors providing guidance and support along the way. Opportunities for success and praise during interactions with therapy dogs will help boost confidence and self-esteem as well as given an opportunity to iscuss how we can motivate and celebrate success.

Personalised Attention

  • small group settings 
  • personalised attention
  • building a safe place to share
  • leading to self-discovery & growth

Boosting Confidence and Well-being

Regular attendance in our programs can lead to more positive feelings about school and, most importantly, about themselves. The presence of a therapy dog can make even the most awkward or tough conversations a little easier. By shifting the focus to our furry friends, students often feel less anxious, more in control of their emotions, and may even make some new friends along the way.

Addressing Worries

We provide a safe space for students to discuss their concerns and worries about learning. By opening up, they can start to understand possible triggers and develop strategies for managing them.

Mindfulness Techniques

We teach young people how to stay present, reduce stress, and manage their emotions effectively through mindfulness practices.

Developing Social and Interpersonal Skills

Our programs help students develop essential social skills, manage their emotions, and cultivate empathy for others. These skills are vital for building stronger connections within their learning environment.

Award-Winning Excellence

We take immense pride in our programs' impact over the years. Canine Comprehension has received several awards for our dedication and commitment to supporting students, and we are highly regarded by parents, teachers, and the Department of Education.