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Interactions with our therapy dogs and mentors have radically transformed our young clients. Our therapy dogs and mentors serve as catalysts for growth, learning, and emotional resilience, enabling individuals to thrive in their cognitive and emotional journeys.

Giving You a Choice

Our sessions are directed by the people who know the young person best. We will ask for individualised goals, which will inform our interactions. Examples of goals we address include:

  • Addressing Learning Concerns: We provide a supportive space for individuals to address their learning concerns, helping them better understand their unique challenges.
  • Identifying Worries: Through insightful interactions, we assist individuals in identifying the triggers that may hinder their learning and emotional well-being.
  • Developing Confidence and Coping Strategies: We empower individuals to develop confidence and effective coping strategies to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
  • Mindfulness Techniques: We introduce age-appropriate mindfulness techniques that promote self-awareness, emotional regulation, and well-being.
  • Improving Interpersonal and Social Skills: Our programs emphasise improving interpersonal and social skills, emotional management, and cultivating empathy. These skills are essential for forging more vital and more meaningful connections in learning and beyond.

See-our-brochure.pdf See-our-brochure.pdf (2MB)