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Toddcast Teacher Podcast

Toddcast Teacher Podcast

Sarah started her career as a teacher and worked with many young people. Sarah also completed an animal assistance therapy course and spent considerable time as a professional dog trainer. During this period, she recognised how kids, especially at-risk ones, could benefit from dog-assisted therapy, and Canine Comprehension was born.

Canine Comprehension is a company that brings therapy dogs to schools to interact with children. Therapy dogs can help young people widen their perspective on mental health so they can get to the stage where they are ready to learn.

Canine Comprehension not only works with schools and support facilities in Melbourne but offers mentoring and other school services and also supports residential care for kids who are out of school due to social anxiety.

Sarah discusses the following:

  • Her teaching journey, why she became a teacher and her teacher role model/s.
  • Greatest challenge and proudest moment as a teacher.
  • What is Canine Comprehension.
  • How did Canine Comprehension all came about.
  • What does Canine Comprehension offer schools and students.
  • Benefits for students having therapy dogs in their life or classroom.
  • How can people get involved as a mentor.
  • Aims and goals for the future.
  • Todd’s Stock Exchange (Game).