Accessible support all over Melbourne and beyond

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Canine Comprehension’s Vision is to provide accessible support to young people through dog-assisted learning. ‘Accessible support’ can be understood in our value statement: Flexible Service, if our client’s circumstances change, we change with them. This is why we try to service as many Melbourne suburbs as possible. We understand that when you are looking for services to support your young people, it’s a big decision. We want you to know we take that support seriously.

We are also expanding into Regional Victoria too, hiring some fantastic tutor & dog teams all over Victoria!

Canine Comprehension works in homes, schools, offices, residential care units, libraries and community centres. Our sessions can be run wherever you think suits the young client best.

The above map shows the location of our current clients. They are spread far and wide – and the good news is we are aiming to expand further in the following months. So, if you would like to know more about our individual sessions and school programs, and are not sure if we travel to you – please send us an email, and we can try to make it happen!

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