Inappropriate Behaviour Prevention Statement

Canine Comprehension has a number of lessons and strategies in place to build a positive and inclusive culture and relationships to promote well-being. In our work with our clients, we strive to foster a culture that prevents bullying behaviour by modelling, encouraging and teaching behaviour that demonstrates acceptance, kindness and respect.

At Canine Comprehension:

  • We encourage respectful relationships which aim to embed a culture of respect and equality across our workplace and towards our stakeholders.
  • We celebrate the diverse backgrounds of staff, clients and other stakeholders and promote mutual respect and social cohesion.
  • Our programs incorporate classroom management strategies that discourage bullying and promote positive behaviour.
  • Our programs include a range of activities and lessons to raise awareness about bullying and its impacts.
  • Our programs incorporate an emotional learning curriculum that promotes resilience, assertiveness, conflict resolution and problem-solving.
  • Our programs seek to empower students to be confident communicators and to resolve conflict in a non-aggressive and constructive way.
  • Our programs encourage students to look out for each other and to talk to the tutor or a teacher about any bullying they have experienced or witnessed.

Other distressing and inappropriate behaviours

Many distressing and inappropriate behaviours may not constitute bullying even though they are unpleasant. Staff, clients or stakeholders who are involved in or who witness any distressing and inappropriate behaviours should report their concerns to Canine Comprehension and our administration team will follow up on the concern.

Other distressing and inappropriate behaviours include (but not limited to):

  • Any social rejection or dislike is not bullying unless it involves deliberate and repeated attempts to cause distress, exclude or create dislike by others.
  • Single-episode acts of nastiness or physical aggression are not the same as bullying. However, single episodes of nastiness or physical aggression are not acceptable behaviours and may have serious consequences for students engaging in this behaviour such as intervention with their school or being asked to remove themselves from the session.
  • Harassment is language or actions that are demeaning, offensive or intimidating to a person. It can take many forms, including sexual harassment and disability harassment.
  • Discrimination is behaviour that treats someone unfavourably because of a personal characteristic (for example, race, religious belief or activity, disability, sex or intersex status, gender identity or sexual orientation).

Discrimination, harassment, and any other inappropriate behaviour is not tolerated at Canine Comprehension. This includes any form of racism, religious or disability discrimination, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other behaviour that targets an individual or group.