Behaviour Management Statement

Canine Comprehension staff are informed and practice the Four R’s, created by education and behaviours consultant Bill Rogers. The Four R’s “provides a classroom management framework … that consists of rights, rules, responsibilities and routines. The Four R’s need to be adapted to be stage appropriate, and should always consist of students’ right to learn, teacher’s right to teach, respect and safety across all three stages (Rogers, 2007). To establish ownership and clarity within the classroom [tutors] should … always provide students with a choice, and each choice has a consequence. This is significantly different from punishment, as students become responsible for their own actions and choices (Rogers, 2007).”


Every person working with Canine Comprehension has a right to experience a safe and supportive environment. We expect all staff, clients and stakeholders to treat each other with respect and dignity.

Clients have the right to:

  • participate fully in their education
  • feel safe, secure and happy in sessions
  • learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, violence, racism, discrimination or intimidation
  • express their ideas, feelings and concerns.

Clients have the responsibility to:

  • participate fully in their Canine Comprehension sessions
  • display positive behaviours that demonstrate respect for themselves and others
  • respect the right of others to learn
  • Respect the right of others to be themselves.


Our Therapy dogs have the right to:

  • Choose to participate or not participate in an activity
  • feel safe, secure and happy in sessions
  • work in an environment free from stress or intimidation
  • Have their physical needs met, such as access to water, a cool place to rest etc

Our Therapy dogs have the responsibility to (as managed by the tutor):

  • Be under the verbal or physical control of their handler
  • display behaviours that are appropriate for the social situation they are in