Have you heard of the National Positive Education Schools Association (PESA) conference?

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Yearly, close to 1000 educators and researchers from around the world attended. PESA is Australia’s Positive Education national peak body. Its mission is to lead, promote and foster the implementation and development of Positive Education, enabling all students, schools and communities to flourish. 

Canine Comprehension had an opportunity to showcase our work and wanted to share our thoughts about what we learned from the conference.

  1. Australia leads the world in Positive Education (PE). This message was repeated several times throughout the conference by Australian and International speakers. It’s exciting to know that Sarah and her team at Canine Comprehension are innovators in this field.
  2. Increased wellbeing is directly correlated to enhanced academic achievement. Policy makers and decision makers need evidence-based information to direct funds appropriately, especially to wellbeing programs. It now exists via high quality academic research.
  3. Wellbeing literacy is vital, PE would not be possible without it. Canine Comprehension teaches wellbeing literacy. This underpins PE pedagogy.
  4. Educators need to have a mindfulness practice. Educators and Canine Comprehension tutors can role model calm in the classroom. Having a mindfulness practice can improve teachers’ wellbeing, help to de-escalate dysregulated students and create an effective learning environment. Teaching savouring to mindful students increases positive emotions and stamina for learning.
  5. Positive Education and the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) based on Trauma Informed Positive Education (TIPE) are important allies. Our Canine Comprehension programs support these models.
  6. Relationships are vital especially Student – Tutor. Our work with our highly trained dogs builds peoples’ skills through neurobiological benefits and neuroplasticity, enabling them to make High Quality Connections (HQCs) and build healthy relationships.
  7. We look for opportunities to support parents, as parents play a key role in Positive Education. Our goal is to improve the wellbeing of families and school communities through our work. 
  8. Soothing and Strengthening. Positive Education is about soothing and strengthening whole schools and systems. Canine Comprehension not only soothes students and school staff, it effectively builds skills and strategies to navigate life and enable people to flourish.

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