Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Preparing for a family dog: How Therapy Dogs Teach Kids Responsibility and Empathy

As busy parents, life can feel like a constant juggling act. Between managing childcare, housework, and perhaps even working from home, the idea of adding a new puppy to the mix might seem daunting. While puppies are undeniably adorable, they can also stress an already hectic household. Your kids have been begging for a dog,…

Canine Comprehension: Dog-Assisted Mentoring Learning Melbourne

Meet Adam: A Prime Candidate for Our Dog-Assisted Mentoring

Adam is an 11-year-old boy managing the complexities of an acquired brain injury, benefiting from our dog-assisted mentoring programme. He communicates nonverbally and faces challenges with memory retention, understanding the link between actions and consequences, and managing his emotions, often expressed through explosive tantrums. His devoted parents tirelessly seek effective ways to support him, endeavouring…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Melbourne

Meet Sophie: A Perfect Match for Our Dog-Assisted Therapy Mentoring.

Sophie is a 16-year-old high school student known for her introspective and reflective nature. She is an avid reader and excels in subjects like literature and history. However, Sophie often feels isolated in school due to her introverted personality. She finds it challenging to initiate conversations and participate in group activities, sometimes leading to her…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Melbourne

Meet Emily: The Ideal Client for Our Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring

Emily is a bright 12-year-old who has always struggled with social anxiety and found it challenging to connect with her peers. She often feels overwhelmed in traditional classroom settings, which hinders her learning and personal growth. Emily loves animals but has never had the opportunity to interact with them in a learning environment. Emily’s family…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Learning Melbourne

Meet Lucas: An Ideal Candidate for Our Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Program

Lucas is a 14-year-old high school student who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is brilliant and has a particular interest in science and technology. However, Lucas faces challenges with social interactions and sensory processing, which can overwhelm the busy and sometimes unpredictable school environment. Lucas’s parents are proactive and supportive, constantly…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Learning Melbourne

Meet Aiden: A Candidate for Our Dog Assisted Therapy Mentoring Program

Aiden is a 10-year-old boy who experienced significant trauma in his early childhood. This trauma has led to challenges in his emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships. Additionally, Aiden has developed a fear of dogs, stemming from a traumatic incident he had with a dog at a young age. Despite this fear, his therapists believe that…

Canine Comprehension: Therapy dogs enhance learning Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Beyond Pats and Chats: How Our Therapy Dogs Enhance Learning

Canine Comprehension takes a holistic approach to integrating therapy dogs into educational environments beyond the traditional role of providing pats and chats. Our dogs serve as valuable assistants in our programs, enriching lesson plans and educational activities in various ways. From emotional support to social interaction and beyond, these furry friends play a crucial role…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Activities for NDIS Learning Goals

At Canine Comprehension, our individualised mentoring therapy dog programs are not just another therapy option. They are a transformative approach that uniquely enhances intrapersonal skills and addresses individual learning goals, particularly those outlined in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our interactive activities are designed to create opportunities for young individuals to focus on their…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

A Day in the Life of Bubbles – a Canine Comprehension Therapy Dog working with individual students.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to spend a day in the paws of a Canine Comprehension therapy dog? From classroom visits to home sessions, these furry companions bring joy, comfort, and unique learning opportunities to students of all ages. Whether it’s a lesson on empathy or a chance to practice reading aloud, our…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Unleashing Literacy Skills with Therapy Dogs

This blog summarises the literature review submitted by our mentor Kendall Richmond on March 3, 2024, entitled: How can therapy dogs support students’ emerging literacy skills? Innovative approaches are continuously sought to enhance students’ learning experiences in today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape. Among these approaches, using therapy dogs in educational settings has emerged as a promising avenue for fostering students’…

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