Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Remarkable Pets Podcast

Doggos make everything better – in fact, this episode is made 2000x better because we have both Sarah Macdonald from Canine Comprehension and her best doggo, Minnie, in the studio with us. Learn how Sarah and her team of good dogs bring the joy of learning back into the classroom through positive doggy interactions.

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

The kids want a puppy?

We have all read the heart-warming stories of children with ASD connecting to his/her dog in a way they had never done before. We all know the bond between man and dog and our heart swells when we hear of those who experience difficulties connecting, making that important relationship with their dog. Now this blog…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Training our AAI dogs

One of our biggest challenges when talking to potential clients about how Canine Comprehension can improve the lives of young people through Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) activities is explaining the high training expectations of our dogs. When we mention that our dogs work with us and assist in teaching by making the learning experience positive…

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

Nurture their imagination

As Albert Einstein put it: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview for life’s coming attractions.”  Therefore we should encourage a child’s imagination. We are passionate about getting kids to dream big and articulate those dreams. We are always looking for ways to help parents nurture the development of their child’s imagination. One way of…

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