Ask our CEO, Sarah: How do you handle your work/ life balance?
I had to learn the hard way. Like many business owners, I thought the only key to success was hard work. So when I started Canine Comprehension I worked hard. 7 days a week, not a single holiday for 3 years! My mind and body finally told me that enough was enough and I developed chronic Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which I still have to this day. I have days when I feel anxious and worried most of the time, not just in specific stressful situations, but in my everyday life. My worries can affect every corner of my existence, my work, health, family and friendships. Even minor things such as going food shopping or being late for an appointment can cause me to feel like I can’t cope. It messed with my motivation, my memory and my creativity.
I have learnt that you have to prioritise your mental health – or you end up with nothing left to give.
My husband is a Firefighter (another job that carries its own stress) and two years ago we had the opportunity to relocate to High Country – Victoria. So we moved our suburban life to our dream property in the region where Ned Kelly once dwelled. Living with horses, goats, cats and far too many dogs makes me smile and gives me a positive focus away from work.
Work-life balance for me now means that although I still work hard, I choose my hours. If the sun is shining I may take a few hours off and take one of the horses for a ride, or meet a friend for coffee. For the first time in my adult life, I don’t touch a computer on weekends and know what it’s like to be able to drop everything and take a holiday. In fact, I’m off to Berlin in a couple of months to cheer on a friend running the Berlin Marathon. My business has ongoing, happy, wonderful clients, a clear structure and a strong workforce. I have built a team that will not crumble without me – and I’m learning to enjoy it.