An exciting new service is now available: Dog for a Day

Canine Comprehension: Dog Assisted Learning Melbourne

We are all experiencing unprecedented pressure in our personal lives, as well as our work lives. Employers are struggling to find ways to support employees as workplace wellness becomes even more important. Our therapy dogs may be the answer. Their presence in your workplace can help reduce employee stress, increase work satisfaction, lead to greater staff retention and a happy workforce.

We are looking for workplaces that would like a little doggy therapy. A Dog for A Day visit to your workplace is a positive and memorable experience for all involved. The day spent with our Canine Comprehension therapy dogs is proven to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, benefit those with mental health conditions and even lower cholesterol.

If your workplace values opportunities to improve the mental health outcomes of your community – this is the option for you. A Canine Comprehension tutor and dog team will spend an entire day visiting those who need our time most. This “drop-in” experience can be planned as a company-wide event, part of a professional learning day, or to kick off a cultural circuit breaker, moving to a more harmonious working community.

The therapy dog and tutor team will walk around the office or create a friendly drop-in space and invite staff to pat, play and be involved with our ‘Add Dog’ mindfulness experiences.

We will work out a schedule together and even make sure everyone gets an opportunity for some therapy dog time during the special day.

Price: $920 GST per day

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