Activities for NDIS Learning Goals
At Canine Comprehension, our individualised mentoring therapy dog programs are not just another therapy option. They are a transformative approach that uniquely enhances intrapersonal skills and addresses individual learning goals, particularly those outlined in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our interactive activities are designed to create opportunities for young individuals to focus on their NDIS learning goals, such as emotion regulation, effective communication of needs, and relating to peers. Let’s delve into two key activities that are tailored to meet these objectives:
Creating Personalised Storybooks
One of the most impactful ways therapy dogs build trust and facilitate learning is by creating personalised storybooks. This activity fosters literacy skills and promotes emotional connection and self-expression. Here’s how it works: The mentor introduces the concept of creating a storybook based on the individual’s interactions with the therapy dog. They discuss the importance of capturing genuine moments and emotions in the story.
Photos are taken during the therapy sessions, capturing moments of connection, joy, and learning between the individual and the therapy dog.
Using the printed photos, the individual and the mentor collaboratively create a storybook, incorporating elements of spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure, and handwriting. This process encourages self-expression and creativity while enhancing literacy skills.
Depending on the individual’s learning goals, various activities are integrated into the storybook creation process. This may include spelling out descriptions, brainstorming related vocabulary, unpacking ideas, structuring challenges, and practising overcoming difficulties.
Through this interactive and personalised approach, individuals improve their literacy skills and deepen their emotional connection with the therapy dog, fostering a sense of trust, companionship, and self-confidence.
Get the Kibble: A Fun Socialising Game
Another engaging activity tailored to meet NDIS learning goals is “Get the Kibble.” This fun and interactive game promotes socialisation, teamwork, and communication skills while strengthening the bond between individuals and therapy dogs:
The mentor, client and family members or support workers sit in a circle, each with a pile of dog kibble in front of them, while a pot of kibble sits in the middle.
Taking turns, individuals draw cards with specific directions, such as giving or taking kibble, based on specific criteria related to their learning goals.
Individuals follow the instructions on the cards, accumulating or giving away kibble accordingly. This encourages turn-taking, empathy, and cooperation.
While all of this is happening, the therapy dog eagerly watches on – waiting for their reward at the end of the game.
The individual with the most kibble at the end gets the rewarding experience of feeding the dog, fostering a sense of achievement, connection, and effective communication.
Through this playful and inclusive activity, individuals bond with the therapy dog and develop essential social and communication skills, empowering them to relate effectively to peers and navigate social interactions in various contexts.
Canine Comprehension offers a holistic approach to addressing NDIS learning goals by integrating interactive activities that promote literacy skills, emotional connection, socialisation, and effective communication. By harnessing the power of therapy dogs, individuals can embark on a journey of learning, growth, and empowerment guided by their furry companions’ unconditional love and support.