Meet The Team
Judy Wood
Meet Judy, a dynamic and versatile educator passionate about making learning a fun and enjoyable experience for children of all abilities and learning styles. With a wealth of experience, she knows that flexibility is the key to unlocking the potential of her students. Judy believes in embracing creativity and constructive approaches to the curriculum, ensuring every child progresses while building their confidence.
One of Judy’s remarkable strengths is her skill in managing challenging behaviours in young people. She is driven to support those facing behavioural, emotional, developmental, and mental health challenges, ensuring their learning journey remains positive and fulfilling.
Judy’s excitement knows no bounds regarding helping families impacted by the challenges. She firmly believes that the presence of a therapy dog, like her lovely companion George, can make a world of difference.
Outside of her educational endeavours, Judy enjoys strolling along the beach or the serene Warrandyte River with George by her side. While she once enjoyed playing netball, she now finds herself cheering on the Vixens and Diamonds during matches.
Judy’s cheerful disposition, adaptability, and dedication make her the perfect mentor for young learners.
Watch Judy’s Introduction
Meet my therapy dog
Meet George, the adored Spoodle who has won the hearts of many young learners during his time working with Judy
His interactions with the children go beyond playtime; George takes his role seriously in teaching them the importance of caring for others. With a wagging tail and a warm heart, he encourages his young clients to care for him, ensuring he has everything he needs, from water and playtime to his favourite cuddle toy.
George eagerly awaits each session with Canine Comprehension as it provides him with the perfect opportunity to put his skills to use, supporting others in their learning and development journeys. His love for the job is evident in how he engages with his students, making them feel safe, loved, and valued.
When he’s not busy making a difference in the lives of young learners, George enjoys indulging in his favourite activities. Whether it’s a refreshing swim at the beach or a playful chase after a ball, George’s zest for life is contagious.