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Positive Schools

Meet Sarah, River and Ness from Canine Comprehension

Dogs Connect
Animal Therapies LTD
Positive Schools Conference timetable


What a fantastic 8 weeks we have had with Gemma and George.

Students have gone away with more confidence and some with a love for dogs when before they were fearful.  

Thanks so much! Should happen in every school!

-  Anonymous teacher, Stevensville Primary school.

Should happen in every school!

My favourite thing was being with the dogs and having something to look forward to at school.

- year 7 student, Catholic Ladies College, Eltham

Look forward to school.

Students have been more comfortable in discussing friendship and communication experiences with each other. They are far more accepting of each other now than at the start of the program.

Lalor Secondary College

Mini with Victor were as always profession and friendly. Children were able to follow clear directions and were introduce to safety around dogs and Mini ascertained their level of comfort. This week we were able to go into the library with Victor and the children to choose books. Everything is on track and going well. Thank you

Melton City Library - Melton Branch

The program has been wonderful, thoroughly enjoyed by our students. All staff and accompanying dogs have been respectful and understanding of our student's needs. We do hope to be part of the program again and looking forward to working together. Thanks -Julie La Bouchardiere

Wonderful Program

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